Our Mission Statement

Helping each other can make world better

DUA (Dhariwal Unity Aspiration) is hope for needy people, striving for a healthy environment, elevation poverty, and rehabilitation of confidence in youth. Regain a sense of belonging and learn to laugh again.

We have a dream to provide uncontaminated water and clean air for everyone. Regardless of age, faith, race, colour, and gender, people deserve to have a good quality of life marked by dignity, good health, and all their basic needs.
Purpose of Charity: Relief for those in need of health, education, food shortage, technical skill and empowerment of women and children through an awareness campaign.

Charity is helping thousand of deserving unprivileged people in the area. We have had the honour to serve about twenty thousand people in the area in the last two years. The services were given through Eye and gynaecological camps held at Railway Station Hariah.

Our Aim

We have set a goal to construct a general hospital and establish a technical Institution for males and females irrespective of age, education, and financial condition. DUA has completed a green park where many differenttrees have been planted.


Volunteers in 2022


we helped in 2020


we collected in 2020


Completed Projects

What We Served

Clinical Practice, Eye Camps and gynaecology camps are being held regularly. More than 500 people were the beneficiaries who enjoy the best health services thrice a year. 

How We Serve

Thoroughly soundings the difficulties facing families and individuals, we provide better care.

Where We Serve

It is at Railway Station Hariah District Mandi Baha ud Din. The village is surrounded by 15 villages comprising more than 50 thousand underprivileged families.

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